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Page properties and publishing a page

Pages can have different properties based on the page type, but most of the main functionalities are same. You can find a detailed list of page types and functionalities here. Here we're going to use a content page as an example.

The picture below is from "all properties" view and you can change it to "On-page editing" view here if needed: 

This "all properties" view is recommended for editing all the fields, image places, content areas etc. are easily visible, but if you want to see a preview of your page you can switch to "On-page editing" view.


Usually every page has 3 different places to add content: Image hero (to add the main image to the page), Main body (for text, links, images and some blocks) and then main content area for blocks.

The picture added in the image hero (wide image) as in the example above is displayed like this on the page: 

Then heading and ingress texts are displayed under the picture as shown in the picture below. With some pages, like content page, you have a possiblity to add CTA link buttons to your page, just by simply adding the text and link to the CTA link fields (as in the "all properties" view image above). The CTA buttons are then added to your page as in the picture below. 

Text, images and blocks added to the main body are displayed under the CTA button. 

Then the block(s) added under Main content are are displayed under the content in main body. For, example here I have added a split highlight block "Health and well-being" and it's displayed like this on the page: 

Setting fields on top of the page


The settings fields in the "All properties" view show you basic infromation of your page: 

Name: name of the content to be used, for example, as a heading in the menus 

Name in URL: Automatically creates an address based on the name you have given the page. You can change the address. 

Simple address: Specify the path from the root of your website, for example "products". This page can then be made accessible through a simple address without "?" or any other symbols. The visitor enters, for example (not mandatory) 

Display in navigation: Select this check box if you want to display the page in the site navigation. If not selected, the page will only be displayed in listings. 

Breadcrumb Name: the page name displayed in the breadcrumb menu (under the main picture on the page). (Not mandatory).

Visible to: Automatically set as "Everyone" for public pages. If it's restricted it means that the page is not visible for eveyryone. If you need to change this please contact for technical support. 

Language: Language of the page (set automatically when you create a page) 

ID, Type: page type of the page. You can read more here about different page types.


Publishing a page


Once you are ready with the changes to your page you can publish it from the "Publish changes" button in the upper right-hand corner: 


When you edit a page changes are automatically saved, but they are not published until you click "publish changes". You can also view the page on website here from "View on website" button to see how the live page actually looks. 

You can also schedule the page for pulish at a later time from the "schedule for publish" button. Then just select the date & time and click publish.

TIP: if you accidentally delete something or want to reverse changes, you can do it from the "Revert to Published" button. Please note that this only works if you haven't publish the page with the unwanted changes. This is why you should always double-check the page before publising the changes. 

You can also unpublish a page. Click here for more information. 

Please check best practices here before publishing the page.