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How to create a new page in Optimizely? 

After opening the navigation panel you can create a new page by clicking from the 3 dots next to the page under you want to create the new page, then click "new page". For instance, If I click the "new page" button here it would be created as a subpage under the products section. If you want to create a new main page (or section like products) then create the page under your home page. 

Once you click from the "new page" button you will need to name your page and choose the page type. Select the page type depening what kind of page you are creating and where you are creating it. For instance, here the most suitable page type would probably be "product page" as we are creating a subpage under the products section. If you were to create a new section the "Section landing page" would be the most suitable page type. See the list of different page types and their features here. 

TIP: if you are unsure which page type to use you can e.g. open a page under the same section and check the page type of that page:

How to create and add blocks to your page? 

Blocks are essential part of adding content to your page in Optimizely. There is a wide selection of blocks to choose from depending on your needs and the page type. For instance, if you want to add a basic block (like this one) with text and images the Editorial block would probably be the most suitable, or if you need to add a video to your page then the Advanced video block is the way to go. You can check the selection of blocks here and then in the Block Gallery you can see how the blocks are actually displayed on a page. 

You can start creating a block from two places: assets panel or directly in the content area (more information in the next section which way you should use). 

Creating a block from the assets panel 

The benefit of creating a block in the assets folders is that you can use that block in multiple pages, and if you need to update the block, you will only need to edit it once from the assets folders and then it's updated for all pages where it's added. 

To create a block in the assets folders, first open the assets panel from upper right-hand corner:

Now you have the folder structure open. There are 4 tabs in the folder strucrture: Blocks, Media, Forms and Tags, but you will only need to acess Blocks and Media. In the example here, we have the Career folder open from the Blocks section. Under the folders we can see blocks saved to this folder. 

You can open any of the blocks saved to this folder just by double clicking them. As you can see some of the blocks are in light grey and have country code (fi) after the block. This means that they are created for another country site (Finland in this case). Blocks displayed without a counry code are created for your country/language. 

New folders can be created under any existing folders by clicking from the 3 dots next to a folder (just like when creating new pages). Once you have the correct folder selected, you can create a new block by clicking from the plus icon on the bottom of the assets panel.  

Then just select type of the block you want to create and it's saved to your folder. Remember to publish the block before adding it to your page, otherwise it won't be displayed, even if you publish the page with the new block (please see the video above for more details)

To add a block to your page just drag and drop it from the folder to the content are of your page. Some blocks can be also used in the Mainbody of a page, but please see the available blocks and details here. 


Creating a block in the content area 

Sometimes you might want to create a block only for a specific page. In this case you can create the block directly in the content area by clicking from Select Content -> Create a new Block. Please read the next chapter for more details to consider when deciding where to create your block. 

Next: Where and how to save blocks and media