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Article page

Article page is a page type for individual news pieces or in-depth articles on various topics. Starting from top of the page you have a placeholder for highlight lift image. This image is only displayed in a hightlight block of Full-widht highlight block if your article page is added in one of those blocks. Otherwise the highlight lift image is not visible anywhere on the actual acrticle page. 

Below the highlight image you have fields for Heading and Ingress texts. Then the main image which is displayed right below the the article name and ingress on the acticle page.


Then we have fields for Author and Photographer names,  on the page these are displayed under the heading: 


Tags and keywords are ways to categorize and classify articles under different topics and themes. Tags are visible under autohor and photographer name in the page (for instance "Sustainability" in the example above). 




Mainbody area for text, images and links. Main content area for blocks.  You can lift articles under related articles are based on specific pages or tags. Default number of lifted articles is 3 (if you lift based on tags), but you can change the number from the "max number of articles" dropdown. 



You can find the recomended image sizes here.